Early episodes of Silver Kamen are credited to the acclaimed Japanese director Akio Jissoji and his cinematographer Masao Nakabori. Akio Jissoji passed away in 2006 and his last film was a modern remake of Silver Kamen that was released in Japan a month after he died.
In many ways the original Silver Kamen series is typical of lots of other Japanese superhero shows. It featured a masked hero who does battle with various evil kaijin (monsters or space aliens) in an effort to save humanity and he has many unusual powers and gadgets. The difference between Silver Kamen and other superhero shows that were airing in Japan at the time, such as Ultraman and Mirrorman (or Mirror Mask), was the dark edge that the show had. The early episodes of Silver Kamen were also creatively shot and in some ways more adult then a lot of similar shows that were airing on Japanese television at the time. After 11 episodes, Silver Kamen started to loose it’s edge and it took a new and more “positive” direction. The Silver Kamen series was transformed into Silver Kamen Giant and the series finally came to an end after 26 epsiodes.
Kaiyodo (海洋堂 Kaiyōdō ) is a Japanese company dedicated to figurines and garage kits. Its headquarters is in Kadoma, Osaka Prefecture.While the company mostly focuses on anime related characters, it recently has acquired other licenses, e.g. King Kong, and some Godzilla characters.
Kaiyodo was originally a small shop in Japan, but grew into a famous company over the years, leading them to sell collectables worldwide. One of their most famous sculptors is Bome, who is most well known for his Mon-sieur BOME collection. In recent years, his figurines have become well known and sought by collectors, and his works have been displayed on a worldwide scale at conventions, including Paris, Tokyo etc
Today I've got this in my mailbox :
It was sent by the seller on the 21st of June which is exactly my birth day ,
So let's open this box and check that Kaiyodo piece of Museum
It's time to check closer ... and inside !!!
That crazy ass shit Garage Kit has now 30 Years old , wicked !!!
Oh baby here you are , I swear to always love you and respect you !!!
That's why I'm gonna keep as you are , for building you I will mold you to recast you a clone that I will buid and paint so I can keep you as a Musuem Piece forever !!!
I'm gonna frame you , Truth !!! |